The glory of God
The key to enabling us to grow the things of God are:
Knowledge of what is available.
Hunger/desire to enter in to enjoy it.
The best and the greatest that can happen to any person is to be born of God.
Why? Because at the New Birth, we come to the glory of God. The challenge with us the children of God is that we don’t understand what we are carrying, because of this; the body of Christ is still filled with prayer points/request. The knowledge of the glory gives us the answers to all prayer points. One greatest challenge of the believer is ignorance, not the devil.

The body of Christ will remain wayward until we capture the glory of the believers in Christ. The highest glory in the universe is the divine glory and the good news is that in the New Birth, this divine glory was impacted unto us. Isa. 60:1, 2 Cor. 4:6-7. That is why every believer should say, I AM a carrier of the glory of God. When you are saying that, you are CREATING the awareness of the glory inside of you. But even though we carry this glory, we need to know how to release and walk in this glory.
The duty of the church is to reveal this glory to the believers so that they can purse the right things but the church is busy pursuing demons, problems, troubles, needs covetousness and materialism. Fortunately, if this glory is pursued, it will take care of all these in our lives.

The glory of God is not the material, not academicals, not position or political but it is the glory of God. God set for us/before us, a spiritual race and in heaven, God will require from us about this spiritual glory and how we fare in this glory. 2 Thess. 2:13-14.
The thing is God has called us to spiritual glory. But we are pursuing other things else. We are brought to live and walk on the basis of this glory. This is because the glory is the answer. Prayer point and prayer request is what a new believer should engage as they grow. So walking in glory brings us to MATURITY. So we see the need to discover and live and walk in the divine glory.

Because of this in us, we carry the divinity in the inside of us. John 11:34-35. We are described and declared as Gods. So the glory we are carrying inside guarantees that God is inside of us. Gal 3:27.
As new creation carrying the glory of God then we are sons of God and the son of God is God. 1Jhn 3:1. Like begets like, that is law of God in creation. So in bringing the new creation God didn’t break that law.
Because of this glory, we are begotten sons of God as Jesus is. John 4:16, 1John 5:18, Heb 2:11, Rom 8:29. Our major job or business in the church is to learn Christ, not to beg him because we are junior brothers of Jesus. Pro 23:7a. Anything you think you are.
Because of this glory, we are far above all other creature. James 1:18, Heb 2:10. Jesus paid or died and suffered to procure this glory for us to a quality decision to pay the price to discover and walk in this glory.

THE COST: The price to pay is TIME, at least 2/.4 hours daily before God.
Note: Among the creation of God. The devil has gone mental. Why should we fear Him?

What is it that makes God God? It is the way He thinks. When you think as God or the way God thinks. You will begin to act like God. 1 cor. 2:16. We are born of God with the mind of God but we have to go through a process of coming to this level of the mind of God in us.
So the law of spiritual growth is to grow out of humanity to divinity in you. 2 Cor. 3:18, 2 Pet. 1:4. The believer need to capture the glory that is buried in the inside of every Child of God. In the manner of speaking, the glory of God in us is imprisoned in the inside of every believer. It does not find room for expression. You cannot think like men and manifest God or like God.

To think as/like God, is to think TRUTH thoughts or reason with TRUTH Isa. 60:1, 2 Cor. 6:4-7. Now this glory is light. 1 John 1:5, John 8:12, Eph. 5:8. Conquer ignorance in your life and you will beat the devil hands down.

The answer to every challenges and troubles in a believer’s life is not in begging God, but in becoming everything God has made us and everything will bow to us.

Knowledge of the glory and learn to walk on the basis of that glory in every aspect of our lives. On the outside we are like every other human that is why you as a believer should learn to live your life from inside and not from outside. 2 Cor. 5:17-18. Every aspect of God is full of glory.

The glory of divine peace. John 14:27, Psalms 119:165.
The glory of divine joy. John 15:11.
The glory of divine assurance. Isa. 32:17.
The glory of divine rest. Heb. 4:3.
The glory of divine victory. Rom. 8:37.
The glory of divine total freedom and release. John 8:36.
The glory of divine strength, patience and longsuffering. Col. 1:11.
The glory of divine love. Rom. 5:5.
The glory of divine supremacy. Luke. 10:17.
The glory of divine deliverance from power of darkness. Col. 1:13.
The glory of divine freedom from curses, etc. Gal. 3:13, Gal. 1:3-4.
The glory of divine righteousness. 2 Cor. 5:21.
The glory of Divine Life. John 10:10.
The glory of divine spiritual power. Eph. 3:20.
The glory of divine freedom from fear. 2 Tim. 1:7.
The glory of divine superiority. Isa. 54:17.
The glory of divine prosperity. 3 John 3:2.
The glory of divine abundance. Eph. 1:3.
The glory of divine full provision. 2 Pet. 1:3.

If we are not convinced beyond doubts, we cannot settle down, the enemy will keep diverting us into his things. The glory of God is all superseding and above all. There is no competition with this glory. The greatess, hardship, trials and troubles are coming and is going to take many Christians unaware.

What the church need is teaching and the teaching should be of what Jesus has done and to show the people how to enjoy these things that has been done. Avoiding Old Testament teachings because in the Old Testament teachings, God is dealing with us on the basis of God will do it for us. In the new nothing like God will bless you or God will do it. All we need to do is to learn how to draw it.

The need here is to train your mind to accept the new order. 2 Pet. 1:3. But the gulf to cross is the visible to the invincible. Rom. 8:6. A believer in Christ needs to develop spiritual MIND. Therefore, the most needed lesson is to know how to produce result on the basis of the unseen invincible. God expects us after being born of God to discover the glory of God and learn to live life on their basis, using the glory of God to answer to all life issues.

Know the TRUTH relevant to the aspect of the glory you want to tap.
Know the demarcations of this Truth. There is so much work to be done. That’s why we have not arrived to our destination. Next to the above, is ;
Meditation: meditation gives birth to revelation knowledge.
Feeding: feeding on the Truth and revelation till it takes you over and anything that takes over controls the way you behave and it begins to control your behavioural pattern. If this is not in place, you cannot travel far in God. We are called to live on the basis of the invincible. If the invincible does not take us over, you cannot walk on the basis of the invincible. That is what we must continue to meditate for more stamina.

PATIENTLY WAIT FOR RESULT: Heb. 10:36, Jam. 1:25, Jam. 1:8. Beholding is meditation; continuing therein is feeding. Doer of the work is observing to do all. When this is done as it ought to, it converts one from I believe believer to I know believer. This is how to tap and harness the glory buried inside us. 1 Tim. 2:3-4, 2 Cor. 13:8. The TRUTH is a converter of the contrary to our good. When we walk in the Truth and live therein. Rom. 5:17.

NOTE: Anytime you are manifesting or giving expression to the TRUTH, you are manifesting Christ to the situation and everything bows to Christ.

1 John 4:4, means that the believer in Christ is God’s product. We cannot come to the glory in us, except we are conversant with the TRUTH and to be conversant with the Truth has to do with romancing with the Truth, therefore, the greatest elevation in life is from the Truth. The way into eating and drinking God is through visiting the Truth. Truth with correct revelation will deliver anything to us and grow us up in all that is given to us.

God is waiting for his sons to come of age and begin to walk in the Truth. We are to give expression to the Truth. Truth bows to nothing, so we are those who bow to nothing. Bu when we go to God for help, we are bowing to that situation. The born of God is the supreme of the earth. God is saying that it is the turn of the born of God to something concerning what He has done about us. John 10:10 means that no activity of the devil can stop the believers from enjoying the beautiful life of abundance offered to us y Christ. Our life is meant to be a life of walking in glory. Revelation establishes or creates the realities in us and as we walk on the basis of these realities, we produce the realities.
How to prosper things in our heart/souls, is by thoughts that we accept and mature in our souls. In the spiritual paths, there are proofs that we are traveling the true path. 2 Cor. 13:5.

Freedom from Sin. Rom. 6:18
Untouchable state; the realm of the untouchableness. 1 John 5:18
Nothing has power to overcome you. Rom. 8:37
Freedom from fear; realm of fearlessness. 2 Tim. 1:7
State of total freedom from all that trouble others. John 8:36
State of far above all on earth. Eph. 2:6, Eph. 1:19-21
State of life of heaven on earth. Col. 1:13, Col. 3:1-2. Dealing with all with the life of heaven on earth.

Hunger is a fixed principle in life, which places a demand on anyone that is alive (LIFE). It can be met by eating, indulging in whatever the person is hungry for, if the object is provided. But appetite is worked out by the person called life (alive). How? By habit and habits are formed consciously or unconsciously, by influence and the company which one keeps.; by association of thoughts and mentality, known or unknown, by associating with people of highly fixed principled individual, poorly minded individual.
Habit is a routine way of living; intelligently chosen or vigorously chosen. Because of this habit issue, that is why living life must be by process. In process or observing the process involved in any programme, it is called learning. To learn anything in life takes time and processing. In academics, you see the stages, the basics, called the primary, the secondary school and the tertiary. All the processes or stages are meant to develop the state of our minds, stepping the mind up to a higher way of reasoning and thoughts pattern.
WORK: as a workman that needed not to be ashamed, one of the major works to do is to work up an appetite for God.