Major Text: Rom. 12:1-2

The need and to live the True Life is placing an increasing demand on the sons of God daily, as troubles and trials multiply and so many Christians are fainting in their thousands. Luke 13:31-32 reveals to us that these days are the days of perfection of all things. Anything short of perfection will not stand what is coming upon the world systems and before God. Eph. 6:13-14, Acts 3:20-21.

Presumptions and assumptions have caused the church or rather robbed the body of Christ the total change destined for her for two thousand and sixteen (2016) years. What a big child! A child at the age of 2016 years is supposed to have grown and develop all his potentials to functional realities.

But look at Christ’s body, the Church, and see how all the negative scriptures are being fulfilled by her, as if Christ died for nothing or that He is yet to come. Again, what a big child! According to Matt. 16:18-19, the Church that our Lord Jesus Christ said that the gate of Hell shall not withstand, is being beaten hands down; left, right and center. We must know that perfection has to do with the Divine or Divinity.

What Are The Details About The “Things” Of This Life

They are the principles that govern or that put into your hands and life, the experiences about the realities of this Life and enable you to give expressions to the True Life. Rom. 12:2, Rom. 8:29, 1 John 2:6. Considering the book of Luke 13:31-32; from Jesus’ prophetic picture and prediction, we as the body of Christ, are late.

Therefore, no need for delay any longer or beating about the bush. The call now is to concentrate on the areas that will give the true experiences of the True Life and continue therein unto giving expression to the True Life (Divine Life). Pressing more and more into the above principles is pressing towards the mark for the prize of the Mark of the High calling of God in Christ Life.