These four spiritual actions are for the daily need of the children of God for true result. They are:

1. Speak the TRUTH to yourself daily. Eph. 4:15
2. Interact with God based on the TRUTH daily.
3. Worship and thank God based on the TRUTH daily.
4. Speak/confront your situations and circumstances based on the TRUTH daily.

Next to the above is, spending QUALITY time with the Truth.

Spending Quality Time With The Truth Daily

1. MEDITATION: Spend quality time with the Truth (God) in meditative interaction daily. Spending time with the Truth is actually spending time with the God. Josh. 1:8, Psalms 1:2, 1 Tim. 4:15. Note: that which God said we should do day and night, we have neglected, to do our own thing- in our vigils, etc. Who will obey who?

2. FEEDING: Spend quality time to feed on the results of your meditation, that is, the Revelation knowledge; daily. Psalms 119:103, Jer. 15:16, John 6:57-60.

This is the golden rule which is: “do not let yourself be bottled-up by your circumstances or situations, rather, live and be bottled-up, that is, be taken over and consumed by the Truth about the situation.”

Pst Uche Zachary

NOTE: If you are bottled up by your situations and circumstances, you will be a victim but if you do otherwise, you will be an overcomer. I have discovered that life is lived voluntarily before it becomes involuntary and that life is lived deliberately before it becomes impulsive.

Therefore you are required to bring the tithe of your time daily to God through these daily spiritual actions if you must benefit from the above. NOTE: Practicing and exercising on the above will bring us to the place of PERFECTION!!!